Thursday, June 16, 2011

Join Goodreads!

Have you ever heard of Goodreads? I love, love, love this website! I mostly use it to record the books I have read and find reviews for my juicy chick lit books favorite classics, but I've recently been using it for picture books for the classroom. You can look up books by your favorite author, read reviews by others, and find lists that include similar books. Check it out and become my friend on the site to see books I use in the classroom by clicking here!


  1. i friended you! i LOVE goodreads!

  2. I have just started using'll get a lot of advertisement, but where do you go these days on the web where you don't run across ads? It has been a good place for me to keep track of the books I'm reading this summer..classroom and personal.

  3. thanks for sharing- that is super cool! =)

    mrs tabb

    First Grade Awesomeness
