Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Classroom Happenings

Come check out what my sweet fifth graders have been busy learning. :)

We tackle subject-verb agreement tomorrow, which we need lots of help on! After editing our narrative essays, we could definitely use some practice on this. 

We are doing a sorting activity and these will make the perfect headers/reminders to sort the sentences by.

We've also been busy practicing close reading, which is going wonderfully! I just wish I could figure out some way to get the text in their hands and not use so many copies! I want them to be able to highlight and write notes in the margins, but it's eating away at my copies! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

We are on week two of author's purpose. We are now working on adding more detail to our response on the author's purpose for writing. They can easily tell me whether the purpose is to inform, entertain, or persuade, but we are having a little difficulty being able to identify what exactly the author's trying to inform the reader about. I used Rachel Lynette's Author's Purpose task cards to get in a little practice. Then, to serve as a reminder, I typed three of the task cards and enlarged the font so they could be displayed on our Author's Purpose board. We highlighted the evidence that the author included that showcased what the purpose for writing was. 

Narrative writing is going great! We have LOTS of work to do on our grammar, but my goodness they love to write! I'll take excitement about essay writing any day! :) We will be writing a nonfiction piece next, so I invested in this amazing product, which I cannot wait to use. :)

Be sure and check out which products I'm loving over at my beauty/fashion blog Southern Belle Inspired :)

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