Sunday, January 5, 2014

#LAeveryday2014 Week 1 Recap

Find out all about #LAeveryday2014 here and remember to follow me on Instagram (msleslieann01). This week didn't feature a whole lot of school because I'm trying to savor EVERY last drop of Christmas break, which was entirely too short. :)

{Day One}

I started off 2014 by having a dinner with my sweet family. Here's my gorgeous cousin, Emily

{Day Two}

Back to work bright and early with a faculty meeting

{Day Three}

Friday night was SOO cold, so I decided to stay in and catch up on my magazines 
{Day Four}

Fedex surprised me with a Saturday delivery. I decided to pull a Carrie Bradshaw and order myself a new pair of shoes. Too bad I ordered the wrong size :( They are gorgeous though, so hopefully it won't take them too long to return to me.

{Day Five}

Sunday morning. Perfection. 

Week one was short because the new year started on Wednesday, but I'm going to do weekly recaps every Sunday so next week will have all 7 days :)
Follow along with me on Instagram (msleslieann01)

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