Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuck Everlasting Novel Study and Purse Activity

Hi friends! I am fortunate enough to be writing this post in my comfy pjs while sipping hot chocolate. Snow days are simply wonderful, aren't they? I wanted to share with y'all what all we did yesterday. :)

This week our skill is drawing conclusions, so we did one of my favorite lessons as a warm up activity. I just LOVE Babbling Abby's lesson using your bag. You can read all about how this went when I used it with my first graders here. I felt like this warm up lesson helped SO much with my fifth graders. If you want the graphic organizer I created to use with this warm up, let me know and I'll post it

We also started our second novel study yesterday. I love Tuck Everlasting and I can't wait for my kids to read it. We only got through the prologue and the first chapter but I want to take it slow so we can really understand it. Here's some of the activities/charts that you can use at the beginning of this novel study.

After reading the prologue, we quick drew a ferris wheel to better understand the symbolism and how Treegap Woods was compared to the hub of the wheel.

After reading all the description of Chapter 1 we drew a detailed picture of the setting using all the details that Chapter 1 provided. 

After reading how Young Teacher Love used these charts with The Westing Game, so I created the same charts for Tuck Everlasting. 

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