I've had requests for the pattern I used to make the birds on my door, so instead of emailing each one of you, I just decided to upload it onto here. Let me know if you have any problems! :)
Australia PART 3: Blue Mountains, Kangaroos & Koalas
18 hours ago
For some reason the image isn't showing up.
ReplyDeleteOops, it's showing up now. Sorry!
ReplyDeletehahaha I was just going to ask you about that!!! Someone beat me to it! Thanks friend! =)
ReplyDeleteare you going to put a saying above the display?
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you soooo much for sharing!!!!! I'm not an artist by any means and you just made my life som much easier.
ReplyDeleteThank you soo much for sharing the template. Check out my bird folders!