How's that for a random post title? It's been awhile since my last post, but it's been beyond busy here lately. How many of you are counting down the days 'til summer??? My creativity is just about gone (you'll see what I mean in a little bit!) and summer's calling my name! A little inspiration did finally come to me last night and I whipped up a sound sorting packet for our sound skill next week, which is /aw/ and /au/.
Just uploaded it to Teachers Pay Teachers and you can find it by clicking the picture or by clicking here!
I cannot say thank you enough to everyone who has purchased items from my store!!!! :)
I've been meaning to post our Three Little Pigs project that we did awhile back. Our comprehension skill was sequence so we used a familiar story to reinforce this skill. I divided my kids into four groups. Three groups were in charge of making a house, while one group made the pigs. Afterwards, we discussed the sequence of the events in the story. I thought it turned out really cute.

We are in our last unit in our reading series and all you Scott Foresman Reading Street teachers know this unit is all about great ideas and inventions. This is a really hard topic that is especially difficult to teach at the end of the year. I have been thinking and thinking and thinking of good activities to go along with this theme, but can't for the life of me come up with anything creative. So, I turned to one of my favorite blogs, The First Grade Parade and found a wonderful post on inventions. Ms. Carroll had her students come up with inventions and write about them. They were beyond adorable! Reading Street teachers....go check it out! It fits in perfectly with Alexander G. Bell...Here are some of my kids' inventions.
I so wish someone would invent this! So creative! :) |