Okay, let me start off by saying I have been the worst blogger here lately. Life is crazy busy. I recently upgraded from a MacBook Air laptop to a MacBook Pro so all my files are scattered between two computers, hence the lack of blogging. Sidenote: if you are thinking about purchasing a computer this Christmas and are looking at a Mac or PC, definitely go with a Mac. I made the switch from a PC last spring and I LOVE my Mac. There's so much you can do on it.
How much do y'all love teaching about the election?? I hate that it only happens once every four years. I was doing my student teaching during the 2008 election so this was the first election where I had my own classroom. We talked about the two candidates and learned about each one through a powerpoint I had created. Then we voted in our voting booth:
Then we did a portrait of Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and wrote why we wanted them to win.

In case you were wondering, President Obama won our class election 9 to 8. :)
We also did a couple of activities for Veteran's Day. We made patriotic kids and wrote a little poem to go with them. It's actually just a lyric from the song "You're a Grand Old Flag". I plan to put these patterns in my Presidents Day Unit so look for that soon!
We also made soldiers, which the boys loved!
I've also created two new units for Long a and Long i. Click the pictures below to get them!