Thursday, September 15, 2011

How we use our word wall

Doesn't it make you feel so good to see your kids looking around the room and using the boards that you worked so hard on?? I've been seeing my kids use our word wall more and more each day and it makes my heart happy! Here's our word wall as of two weeks ago:
I color coordinate our words. The dark pink are words that we covered during the first week of ABC review. The lighter pink ones were covered during the second week. The orange words are Unit One words. I typed them this year and found that this worked much better than writing them on sentence stripes like last year for some reason. I have since moved that small blue easel because it was blocking the U box and the V box. I used a large font size because I wanted to make sure the kids to could see it from multiple angles and I love the way it turned out, but I'm going to have to downsize on some boxes like 'Tt" because hardly any more words will fit. :) 

We're starting initial blends next week, which is one of my most favorite phonics skill to teach! That opens up so many more words that my kids can sound out and spell. If anyone has any ideas, center activities,  strategies or charts, please comment below or email me! :)

One last thing...if you've emailed me, I promise I will eventually get back with ya! I've been super busy with a RTI workshop, a mini field trip and technology meetings this week. I would love to say that next week will be a calm week, but it's homecoming, which means crazy fun dress up days!! Maybe we'll get back to normal one of these days!


  1. I Limited On Wall Space This year. This Word Wall Looks Small, But Big Enough To Fit All Words. Do You Remember The Measurements? Thanks!

  2. What do you use for your word wall? I have one bulletin board and I dont like usin

  3. My whole post didnt post... I have one bulletin board for many things, and i dont like using it for my words, i LOVE yours and am curious how you did it so I can try it next year?? Thanks!!
