Thursday Faves: 21 YEARS EDITION!
15 hours ago
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." -Jacqueline Kennedy
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Hi! Love your reading street ideas! I was trying to access your TPT page but I couldn't find the Question of the Day posts. What did I do wrong?! Thanks!
Hi! All the questions are under the Reading Street page here on the blog. Let me know if you have download problems :) :)
I saw a copy of your ROLL AND ANSWER Literacy Station and LOVED it. Where did you get the containers with the 6 compartments that you used? The labels fit perfectly and I wanted to make sure I used the right ones. Thanks!
I am a Scotts Foresman user as well. I am on my county's curriculum writing team and we moving away from it (so sad because I love it). Next year, we will only be using Scott Foresmans for phonics and grammar. We are recreating a reading comprehension framework. My questions is, how do your school make Scott Foresman more rigourous.
I am in love with your blog. I am going to start using more of the Reading Street program and I love your decodable reading lessons. I was unable to find the Unit 2 though :( I know you had posted that you were still working on it. Is that something that is still to come? Or am I just not looking in the right place? Your work is awesome and I can't wait to use some of it during the school year!
I like your Unit Decodables with phonics and comprehension. Do you have Unit 2 and Unit 5 ready or know when they will be?
Where are the printables for the leveled readers. I like those!
Would you be willing to share your Fry sentences??
Would you be willing to share your Fry sentences??
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