Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Community Workers, Sneaky e, and Nonsense Words on TPT

Here's a couple of our charts that we have made this week. We started learning long vowel words last week so I introduced the sneaky, silent "e" and he has given quite a few of us some problems. We decided to make a helper chart to help us remember what he does.

Our story this week is Who Works Here? and it's all about community workers. I would love to do a big unit on this with some fun activities, but due to a really busy week with a field trip Friday we are limited on time. So we just made do with making this pinterest inspired helper chart.

And we are officially over with Halloween in my classroom. We put up the Halloween nonsense word flash cards and my sweeties informed me that I needed to get us some Thanksgiving ones! :) Who knew putting these words on a cute background and clipart would make it that more exciting?? Click the pic to get the nonsense words flash cards:Thanksgiving Edition


  1. I just gave your the "Blog on Fire Award!!"

    Please share 7 things about yourself and pass the award on. :)

  2. Your anchor charts are amazing! Can I ask, how do you store them?
    Going Nutty!
